COEL’s new property head hails dawn of agile working

As we emerge from the pandemic and embrace a new era of ‘agile’ working and flexible workspaces, COEL has the innovation to succeed, says new Head of Property Services, Daniel Fordham. Cambridge-based COEL specialise in high-quality office and laboratory refurbishment, working closely with science and technology clients, to create modern and forward-thinking working environments. “Agile working is set to be at the forefront of commercial workspace decisions as we come out of lockdown,” says Daniel. “It was something that was always on the horizon, but the pandemic has brought it forward several years – and so for COEL to already be pioneering well-thought-out agile workspaces, makes this an exciting time to be part of the team.”

Competition – Design the future workplace

The way we work has gone under a revolutionary change within the last year and whilst we can all enjoy more flexibility in being able to work from home, many of us now appreciate the collaborative space, engagement, technical support, and equipment that a work environment provides. When restrictions are gradually lifted, employees will start to return to their company’s headquarters.

The future of office design

The enforced restrictions of the last year have brought about seismic changes in the way we work. In working from home, many have discovered that they can still be efficient and get the job done. Beyond the initial enjoyment of being surrounded by home comforts and not having to commute, our separation from the mothership has also brought into sharp focus what we miss about life in the office and how those thoughts will potentially help shape the future of office design. Here are some areas which are likely to receive increased attention.

B4 Property Day

It’s B4 Property Day at B4. So we’re highlighting some recent and not so recent articles and press releases posted by B4 members over the past year or so.