Work Experience Best-Practice Guide

Work experience is a placement offered by an employer on their premises, during which school or college students carry out tasks more or less as an employee would. The placement can last for a week or longer, and includes an emphasis on the learning aspects of the experience.

Application for the Government’s Kickstart Scheme by the B4 community

Together with other B4 members including ELS, Oxford Duplication Centre, Studio 8 and NX, we have made an application for the Government’s Kickstart Scheme which provides funding for employers to provide six-month work placements for 16-24-year-olds that are currently claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.

Engaging the Next Generation at BIO2020

At a time when the next generation is facing considerable uncertainty, B4, organisers of BIO2020, Oxfordshire’s largest B2B event, is delighted to announce that one hundred complimentary tickets for this year’s event, from 2nd to 4th June, will be made available to students and career leaders in Oxfordshire.

Talent Spotter: How to attract and retain Millennials in your workplace

We’ve all said it ‘‘doesn’t that policeman/solicitor/doctor look young’’. A sure sign that we’re all getting older. And the fact is, that we are getting older, and for every year that passes in our working lives, another wave of young, fresh, technologically advanced employees enters the workforce, bringing with them fresh ideas, new ways of working, and high levels of expectations.